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发布时间:2025-02-12 01:16:01点击量:143
本文摘要:The amount of solar power added worldwide soared by some 50% last year because of a sun rush in the US and China new figures show.新的数据表明,去年全球太阳能发电增量提升了50%,主要原因是在于美、中两国的推展。

The amount of solar power added worldwide soared by some 50% last year because of a sun rush in the US and China new figures show.新的数据表明,去年全球太阳能发电增量提升了50%,主要原因是在于美、中两国的推展。New solar photovoltaic capacity installed in 2016 reached more than 76 gigawatts a dramatic increase on the 50GW installed the year before. China and the US led the surge with both countries almost doubling the amount of solar they added in 2015 according to data compiled by Europe’s solar power trade body.2016年,全球追加太阳能光伏发电装机量多达了76GW(十亿瓦特);同去年的50GW增量比起,有了大幅提高。欧洲太阳能贸易机构的统计数字指出,中国和美国在2016年的太阳能光伏发电增量是2015年光伏发电增量的2倍,相比之下领先其他国家。

Globally there is now 305GW of solar power capacity up from around 50GW in 2010 and virtually nothing at the turn of the millennium.目前,全球的太阳能发电装机总量超过了305GW,2010年时则为50GW,而2000年时则完全为零.。



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